Tim Costello distributes World Vision kits after Indonesian Earthquake


World Vision Australia CEO, Rev Tim Costello, gets on to the front line of World Vision's relief efforts in Padang on the island of Sumatra.

More emergency updates posted at http://www.worldvision.com.au
To donate http://bit.ly/makeadonation

The World Vision team have been distributing what we call 'Family Kits' - packs with mats, blankets, soap, toothpaste, sanitary pads and much needed tarpaulins to people in need.

Tim Costello says that "These Family Kits are a key part of the sanitation message we are desperate to convey to everyone here to nip in the bud the spread of water borne diseases."

Tim also had the opportunity to walk with Mrs Darling to visit her now flattened home. Her house is gone, but she is joyful that she has not lost any of her 6 children.
She is glad that people have not forgotten her and her friends during this emergency. Please do not forget. Give if you can, spread the word if you can't.


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