Ron Rudman's Story


I was raised Jewish in the 1960s in the New York metropolitan area. I thought I knew who God was but was always searching for something. Then, in December 2005, I was shopping for a gift for my wife and knocked over a book display and picked up Battlefield of the Mind. I thought it was total nonsense but felt compelled to read it. I also bought an Amplified Bible and hid it from my family. About a week later, I caught my wife, Martha, reading a Bible!

Within the span of a few months, my wife, my son, my daughter and I all came to Christ. It was like God said, "Rudman party of four...right this way." God has done so many amazing things for us. The Bible finally gave me a worldview that makes sense. Once you have the Truth, it will set you free—just like the Book says.


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