Amber Brooks - Be My Vision - MorningStar Ministries


Be My Vision by Amber Brooks taken from the recent Great Awakening Conference at MorningStar Ministries. MorningStar worship music has been played in almost every nation on earth.

Lyrics by Amber Brooks
Your my best thought, by day or by night.
Waking or sleeping, Your presence is my light
Be my vision, Oh Lord of my heart
Be my vision, Oh Lord forever Amen

Your my true word, forever with me
I abide in You, You dwell inside of me
Be my wisdom, Oh Lord of my heart
Be my wisdom, Oh Lord
Be my wisdom, Oh Lord of my heart
Be my wisdom, Oh Lord forever Amen

Oh riches I need not nor man's empty praise
You and You only are first in my heart
High King of heaven, my treasure thou art
And whatever I befall
Still be my vision Oh ruler of all
Still be my vision Oh High Kind of heaven (x4)
Still be my vision Oh ruler of all

Hope is the anchor of my soul
and my hope is in You
I shall not be moved


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