Jesus Christ Himself wants to visit you!


We read in Scripture that God is not a respecter of persons. So if the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Todd Bentley, He will also appear to any one of us. Provided we line ourselves up for it, ask & seek Him with ÁLL of our hearts and are willing to pay the price of dieing to ourselves completely, and to take up our cross daily and follow Him as true disciples! Todd Bentley may rattle our theology by his appearance...but Jesus Christ pointed to the fruit as the evidence of the nature of the tree. I am not Todd's judge. Though... 1 Cor. 5:12,13 tells me to judge those within the church. I do not understand this as I would - from Scripture say that piercings and tattoos are forbidden by God and I do not expect to see them in heaven- but when I look past that, I see God at work, and receive LIFE listening to this man, and can listen to him for hours. While many 'normal looking' preachers rub me wrong with their religious talk, their letter of the Word which Scripture and my experience says, is killing! However, I would not allow piercings and tattoos to remain with anyone whom God entrusts to my care, after a person makes a decision to follow Christ. Yes, Jesus Christ loves us as we are, but He will not allow us to remain as we are! So, I would ask any man coming to Christ under my care, to remove his earrings, piercings and tattoos, until God shows me otherwise. Now some may object and point to people like Todd as seemingly having God's approval, and excuse their own behaviour/ continuing wearing earrings, piercings, tattoos, but I believe that if they are in my care and I am responsible for them before God, they are in rebellion when they do not remove their 'stuff' I consider wrong, from Scripture. I would like to know his view on this matter from his own words. Until then, I rejoice in what God does through Todd's ministry, which challenges me to seek intimacy with Jesus Christ and a manifestation of Him in my ministry much more! For more visit Todd's site


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